How to Sleep Better While Managing Your AnxietyMar 07, 2025Anxiety and sleep difficulties often go hand-in-hand. Learn how you can get better sleep by managing your anxiety here.Continue reading →
How Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Helps Adolescents Suffering from Self-Harm BehaviorFeb 03, 2025If you or your teen struggles with impulses of self-harm, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) may be the best choice for moving you out of that zone. Keep reading to learn the how and why behind DBT.Continue reading →
5 Tips for Maintaining Your Sobriety over the HolidaysDec 13, 2024It’s hard to stay sober any time of the year, but it’s especially difficult during the holiday season. Here, we give you five tips for maintaining your sobriety while still enjoying the festivities. Continue reading →
When to Consider Telemedicine for Your Mental Health NeedsNov 06, 2024If you have mental health issues but you don’t want to (or can’t) go to an in-person visit, telemedicine may be the way forward. Here’s when you should consider telemedicine to meet your mental health needs.Continue reading →
Recognizing Mental Health Red Flags in Your Loved OneOct 08, 2024Mental health conditions rarely appear fully formed; they’re preceded by a number of signs and symptoms that indicate a potential problem. Learning to recognize those signs in a loved one can get them the help they need.Continue reading →
Warning Signs Your Depression Needs Medical AttentionSep 01, 2024Depression is more than just “the blues.” It’s a mental health disorder that can have a devastating impact on your life. Keep reading to learn about the warning signs that indicate you should seek out medical help. Continue reading →
How Your Sleeping Habits Are Linked to Your Mental HealthAug 08, 2024If your sleep quality is poor, chances are you have some mental health problems as a result. Keep reading to learn about the sleep-mental health connection and what you can do to improve both parts.Continue reading →
Supporting a Loved One with Severe AnxietyJul 16, 2024If someone you love is fighting their way through an anxiety disorder, the first thing to do is learn as much as you can about the problem. With knowledge in hand and professional guidance, you can help them make it through to the other side.Continue reading →
Debunking 5 Bipolar MythsJun 12, 2024There are a lot of myths about bipolar disorder, most of which buy into the stigma surrounding the condition and aren’t at all helpful. Here, we debunk those myths using evidence-based information.Continue reading →
Can Narcolepsy Develop out of Nowhere?May 21, 2024Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that causes such extreme daytime sleepiness that you can nod off while working, driving, or while you’re in the middle of a sentence. Can it appear out of nowhere, or are there warning signs? We have the answer here.Continue reading →
6 Lifestyle Changes to Manage Social AnxietyApr 09, 2024If you have social anxiety disorder, being around people can make your heart race and your stomach churn. Here are six lifestyle changes you can make to minimize symptoms. Continue reading →
The Most Effective Treatments for Adult ADHDMar 01, 2024While attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is generally considered a childhood condition, adult ADHD is very real and needs effective treatment. Keep reading to learn how adults can manage their symptoms effectively. Continue reading →
9 Mental Health Conditions Best Treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)Feb 09, 2024Mental health conditions can be a real challenge, but cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can change your whole outlook. Here’s what you need to know about this treatment option.Continue reading →
5 Signs Your Anxiety Is Escalating and Requires Professional InterventionJan 09, 2024Everyone worries from time to time, but if your anxiety is taking over your life, you need professional intervention. Here are five signs that you need outside help.Continue reading →
Spravato®: Finally a New Hope for Treatment-Resistant DepressionDec 13, 2023If you’ve been diagnosed with depression but aren’t having success with treatment, it’s time for something new — Spravato®. A ketamine derivative, it brings new hope for treatment-resistant depression. Continue reading →
Why Suboxone Remains Among the Most Effective Treatments for Opioid Use DisordersNov 27, 2023The opioid problem in the United States has been labeled a crisis, and rightfully so as it claimed more than 80,000 lives in 2021 alone. Thankfully, there is a solution in Suboxone®. Here's how it works. Continue reading →